The major preservatives in dairy products are sodium benzoate, potassium sorbate, and natamycin. Fresh milk has a very low shelf life, therefore they tend to add preservatives to prolong the shelf life. Chemicals such as; hydrogen peroxide, salicylic acid, benzoic acid, water, neutralizers, melamine, boric acid, formaldehyde, antibiotics etc. are used. The reason as to why they do that is to make sure that it does not lose its taste and flavor over a period of time, completely ignoring the fact as to what damage it can cause to one’s health. One of the possible and common harmful effect of adding preservatives is the breathing problems it causes (asthma and bronchitis). It can also cause problems in younger children, such as their hyperactive behavior caused due to the dealers not knowing what might cause reaction and affect the child.

    Sustained consumption of such preservatives can weaken the heart tissues, which is dangerous either for young or aged people both. It can also cause obesity, since some preservatives contain fatty acids.

    Therefore, Our farm is one of the only farms that has its own land, cattle, feed, milking parlor, UHT plant and packaging facility on the same premises that ensures extreme quality control by the farmers, and enables us to deliver a product in minimum time to people’s homes without any addition of preservatives or additives.


    In recent years, with the boom of alternative options, milk has gotten a bit of a sullied reputation. But, in reality, milk is packed with nutrients that can boost your nutrition and overall health. Milk has been enjoyed throughout the world for thousands of years. The most commonly consumed types come from cows, sheep and goats. Western countries drink cow’s milk most frequently. Milk consumption is a debated topic in the nutrition world, so one might wonder if the milk being consumed is healthy or harmful. Good nutrition and physical activity is what helps a person maintain a healthy weight. If you have it all in control it is going to help you in ways which you would not even realize. It reduces the risk of diseases, including heart diseases, diabetes, strokes, cancer and osteoporosis.

    Other than that it reduces high blood pressure and lowers cholesterol. All in all it gives you the ability to fight illnesses, to recover from them and to increase your immunity. Milk is a rich source of calcium, protein, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and fat, since each glass contains 8 grams of protein. Milk is rich in many other nutrients that are essential. For stronger bones (Calcium, Vitamin D, and Phosphorous), for more energy (B vitamins), for a stronger immune system and for healthier skin (Vitamin A). Fats in milk constitute essential fatty acids which are important for body cells.


  • Myth: Raw Milk is better and a lot more nutritious than pasteurized milk.

  • Fact: The benefits of drinking raw milk are all present in pasteurized milk, eliminating the risk of any diseases that might occur from consuming raw milk.

  • Myth: Drinking raw milk is not safe, but no harm will come from consuming products such as; (soft cheese, ice cream, and yogurt) made from raw milk.

  • Fact: Any product made from raw milk can be dangerous and can cause infection when eating these products, one should make sure that they are pasteurized.

  • Myth: Milk is safe as long it has a label that says “organic” on it.

  • Fact: Only organic milk that has been pasteurized is safe to consume.

  • Myth: Raw milk and products made from raw milk such as – soft cheese, yogurt, ice creams – are if made from healthy animals.

  • Fact: It does not matter how healthy the animal is, it does carry illnesses-causing germs, such as Brucella, Campylobacter, Cryptosporidium, E. coli, Listeria, and Salmonella, that can contaminate milk which in turn can lead to many diseases.

  • Myth: If animals are raised in sanitary conditions on humane farms, their milk is safe.

  • Fact: Even dairy farms with very good safety practices can contain illness-causing germs. And even if tests on a batch of a farm’s raw milk come back negative, it is no guarantee that the next batch of milk will be free of harmful germs. Sweet and sour.



    Cleanliness is very important. Washing hands and the surfaces to be used should be clean. The person who has to cook or is even minutely a part of the process should wash their hands for at least 20 seconds with warm water before and after handling food or after any other work (going to the bathroom, handling pets etc. utensils, cutting boards, dishes in the food has to be served should be washed with hot soapy water. Using paper towels can be considered, to rinse fruits and veggies under tap water. Also with canned goods it’s important to clean lids before opening.

    The second step is to separate, raw meats, poultry, sea food, eggs from other things purchased in the shopping cart, grocery bags. Use one cutting board for fresh for fresh produce and a separate one for raw meat, poultry and sea food. Never keep food on a plate that has already been used previously for raw meat and poultry unless it has been washed properly. Also, don’t reuse marinades on raw foods unless you bring them to boil first.

    Furthermore, cooking at the right temperature is very important. Cooking food at a safe minimum internal temperature to ensure that the harmful bacteria has been destroyed. Also, to bring gravy and sauces to boil when reheating is important. Other than this refrigerating foods promptly is equally important. Also never to thaw food at room temperature. Three basic ways to defrost is by; keeping it in the refrigerator, in cold water or in the microwave oven. Food that is thawed in microwave or in cold water should immediately be cooked. Marination should be done thoroughly. In case of any leftovers, the food should be stored in shallow containers for quicker cooling.


    Milk is nutrient rich beverage and the most common drink packed with vital vitamins and nutrients such as; calcium, phosphorus, vitamin B, potassium and vitamin D. It also prevents one from problems such as osteoporosis, fractures and has therapeutic effects. In local and international markets both UHT and Pasteurized Milk are kept on shelves. Also, it’s different in all countries since consumption habitats differ. Among both, UHT milk has a dominant edge over the other because it’s safer, convenient and has a higher nutritional value as compared to pasteurized milk.

    Pasteurization is a low-temperature sterilization method invented in 1865 by a French named Pasteur. Pasteurized milk is sterilized by heating at 72-85°C for 10-15 seconds.UHT: Ultra High Temperature. Milk is heated by ultra-high temperature of 135-145°C and kept for 2-4 seconds for sterilization.

    High temperature treatment affects and denatures the protein present in the milk therefore loss of protein in UHT milk is higher. Also, soluble calcium is difficult to be absorbed by the body when the milk is ultra-heat treated. The shelf life of pasteurized milk is for a few days which is why the market coverage of such milk is limited. Whereas, the UHT milk reaches its sterile state therefore it can not only be transported but kept in store for a longer period of time, that too at room temperature. Also, the shelf life is 3-4 months therefore in terms of convenience UHT milk is safer and better.

    Pasteurized milk and UTM milk are originally different products for different consumer groups. Although there are slight differences in nutrition and taste, they are not worlds apart. Which one to buy depends on individual needs.

    If you have a large refrigerator at home and shopping is convenient, you might as well choose pasteurized milk.

    If you often go out or like to stock up on food at home, then UTM milk may be more suitable for you. The shelf life is long enough. When you remember to drink, it is estimated that it has not expired.


There are many companies in the market that use Ecolean nowadays when the content displayed on pack plays a huge role in the selling of a product. The packaging plays a major role since consumers tend to buy what pleases the eye. Moreover, it being Air Aseptic means that nothing can infiltrate the package, no bacteria which means it makes it healthier and safer. The thin multilayer structure protects the content and since its aluminum free, it’s possible to heat it up in the microwave while the content is still in the package with its texture and taste unaffected. Thus, making it very easy to use and economical, it also reduces environmental impact since no energy is required to cool the product for its storage and transport. Brands that use Ecolean packaging are; HEMME MILCH, HUAHUANIU, TIANRUN, LUZHAIKINO, EN DIRECT DES ÉLEVEURS, DOSTEA, OLPER'S, REAL GOOD, LIF KUN, CHIBA LOTTE MARINES and VKUSNOTEEVO.

The material from which the packaging is made is a mix up of chalk and has extended light and oxygen barriers. The transparent light aseptic package is suitable for all drinks be it, soft drinks or other beverages. Available in 200ml or 250ml with or without the straw. Gives you a clear opportunity to stand out as compared to other packages.

It is made using the electron beam treatment, it is properly sterilized. The package consists of 35% by weight of calcium carbonate, providing strength, stiffness as well as whiteness to the package, and after disposal it can also be recycled. The ready to fill packages are distributed on reels, and the finished one’s are transported and stored without any special arrangements for temperature and humidity control.

There are six different Ecolean filling machines, the EL1+ and EL2+ for chilled distribution and EL3 / EL3+ and EL4+ / EL6 for ambient distribution. There is a risk of a few microorganisms present on the outside of the package due to transport but the material is fed through a sterilization chamber before entering the transport or storage unit. Also, an air system exists which constantly sterilizes the whole filling chamber. Convenience features, include its easy open pour method which makes it fun and easy to drink, the air filled handle makes it easier to get the grip of the portion, results in less wastage. Due to its geometrical form it makes the product easy to stand upright steadily on the shelf.